Phone Orientation.

December 15, 2009 at 2:48 am (Uncategorized)

So, I had my general YFU phone orientation today. It was not too bad. It was pretty funny how all five people there were going to Japan. Can’t wait to see all those people. ๐Ÿ˜€ As for the orientation in general, it was pretty informative. Some things I could’ve passed on hearing since it’s pretty much common sense or seemed a little silly, but that’s fine. It didn’t hurt anyone and I’m clearly still alive and kicking, so something went right. xD

But yeah. Kinda dozed off a little during some of the long explanations and did some other things at the same time, but overall it wasn’t bad. My mom was listening in, too, so she probably paid more attention than me.

I’ve got a JAFS specific orientation on Wednesday. That should be fun. Maybe I’ll hear from more people or some of the same ones I did today. ๐Ÿ™‚ That’d be pretty nifty.

And I haven’t gotten my host family yet, but they said that that information should come this week or early next week at the latest. I’m hoping for this week since…y’know, might want to know if I should be worrying about colder weather or warmer weather. But, the news will come when it comes. I can’t make it come any faster as much as I’d love to.

Until next time~

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